(Dis)Connected in nature

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(Dis)Connected in nature

Youth Center Borderless was part of the youth exchange organized in Croatia during 27 June-5 July 2015.The aim of this project was to remind young people of how exciting it can be to meet new people and interact with
them in a relaxing and stimulating environment. This project was a fun combination of outdoor activities, exchange
of experiences between different cultures and reconnection of with nature. Through this project, participants
learned to cherish their environment and enjoy it while socializing in a good company of their peers from different
parts of the EU and the EU neighborhood.
They saw different examples of good practices from their colleagues from different countries and prosper in
a professional and personal field. They did also learned a lot of fun games and ways to enjoy outdoors.Another interesting part of the activity was the Intercultural evening,where all participants represented their country by traditional food,music,dance.

(Dis)Connected in Nature

posted in: Aktivitete | 0

(Dis)Connected in Nature

Youth Center Borderless pjese e shkembimit rinor qe u zhvillua me dt 27 qershor-5korrik 2015 me teme (Dis)Connected in nature,ne Kroaci.Ky shkembim u zhvillua ne trajten e disa aktiviteteve per te rinjte ne natyre.Nepermjet te cilit te rinjte mesuan ta shijojne natyren,nen shoqerine e njeri tjetrit me pjesemarres nga vende te ndryshme te shteteve anetare te BE-se. Gjate ketyre diteve u zhvilluan nje sere workshope-sh mbi mjedisin te drejtuara nga njerez profesioniste ne fushat perkatese,aktivitete socializuese,u promovua stili i jeteses se shendetshme,mbijetesa ne natyre,zhvillimi personal,puna ne grup,promovimi i marredhenieve te mira mes shteteve dhe fqinjesise se mire.U zhvilluan nje sere aktivitetesh sportive,joga, kamping,aktivitete te hapura ne natyre qe si qellim primar kishin afrimitetin dhe edukimin e te rinjve me mjedisin si dhe socializmin mes tyre.Nje tjeter pjese interesante e ketij shkembimi ishte dhe nata nderkulturore e cila bashkon te gjitha kulturat e shteteve pjesemarrese nepermjet ushqimeve ,muzikes,artit,kercimeve ,veshjeve tradicionale qe pjesemarresit nga secili shtet marrin me vete pikerisht per te qene pashaporta identifikuese e shtetit te tyre.