Post Breast Cancer Awareness Activities

October, 2013

Tirana, Albania

Borderless Youth Center was hardly lacking in the fight against breast cancer .

On 10.27.2013 Youth Center BORDERLESS located in Tirana, Albania prepared a numerous awareness raising activities for the fight against breast cancer. The first activity was in cooperation with Marubi Academy Film, shooting a video message that would be shared through social networks and televisions. At 9:00 Borderless members and a number of volunteers came together to realize awareness video. In this activity took part young people coming from different organizations such as ADP Albania, Students of Medicine Faculty, and Students from Polytechnic University of Tirana, American students in Albania etc. Before starting shooting participants played ice-breaking games, that facilitated the collaboration for the coming activities.


First activity was shooting a video clip that had a powerful message for breast cancer awareness month. All participants were part of this video by representing each a word. Video clip lasts around 2 minutes and it will be widely used on October 2014 for breast awareness month.






After finishing the shootings, Youth Center BORDERLESS organized a big activity at artificial lake. It was an informational activity about breast cancer that aimed to increase knowledge about preventing methods. All participants were divided in groups and worked together to conduct the acitivity. We managed to:

– Give away informing pamphlets about breast cancer and possibilities to prevent it – Give away pink ribbon to women, man, children

– Conduct a survey regarding public awareness about breast cancer

-Face painting for children – Played music all together with people that were walking by

– Collect donations by selling the breast cancer bracelets that volunteers prepared for this activity in order to be able to offer free mammography’s for poor women

The activity was well organized and very effective. spread a big number of pamphlets that aimed to inform people regarding breast cancer ewerewas, how often to do controls, etc.. The activity was interesting for people since lots of them were curious, asked the students of Medicinal Faculty about different issues related to breast cancer. Participants organized games and played in guitars and they inivted other people to join them by making giving to the activity  positive sense.


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